New from R.A. Garber - June 15, 2024

One More Day - Haiku and photography

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One More Day
a book of haiku and photos by R.A. Garber
(Yarrow Press, 2024)

red sunrise
in maple leaf
ukraine ablaze

squirrels invade
the bird feeder
u.n. charter violated

orange sun sets
apocalypse averted
one more day

A little book of little poems.
- 100 haiku
- 5 photos
- 105 breaths of contemplation

To buy a copy of One More Day:
1. Send your name, postal address, and email to Rachel Garber at:
2. Send $10 CAD plus shipping ($4 in Canada; $6 in USA) per book
- by Interac transfer to



Thursday February 8, 2024

Steve Luxton’s Eastern Townships Literary Rambles are now part of history.

Over the past few years, Steve Luxton, Poet in Residence of the Lennoxville Library presented a series of self-titled “Literary Rambles” at various historically interesting sites around the Eastern Townships.

Steve reads excerpts and discusses the lives and conversations he had with a number of noted literary personalities and poets such as Thomas Gray, Louis Dudek, Ralph Gustafson, and D.G. Jones.

The archival entries can be found here:

The videos are available to watch on the ArtsUnaean website and YouTube Channel.

Literary Rambles with Steve Luxton


Haiku & Sushi

On July 7, 2023 Gabriel Safdie of the Centre des Arts de Stanstead, and Angela Leuck, President of Haiku Canada organized an intriguing combination of workshops held in the Café/Bar Cabaret Sans Frontières (formerly the Eastern Townships Bank on Dufferine Street in Stanstead Quebec).

The event, composed of a haiku writing session with Angela, was followed by a participatory demonstration of "How to make vegetarian sushi." This is the sushi making portion. Enjoy!

HAIKU & SUSHI with Angela Leuck

"Making Vegetarian Sushi" with Sachiko Yoshida and Yuko Kandachi


Books and Blues trailer

Aug 27, 2023
Tuesday August 22, 5:30-7 pm at Square Queen
Presented by Black Cat Books in collaboration with Explore Lennox & Entrprendre Sherbrooke.
Mardi le 22 août 17h30 à 19h au Square Queen
Présenté par Black Cat Books en collaboration avec Explore Lennox et Entreprendre Sherbrooke.


Rachel Garber, editor of the Townships Sun magazine, speaks with Rachel McCrum, editor of Font Magazine, during a break at the 2022 Knowlton Literary Festival. They talk about being editor of a magazine, and what makes an editor's heart sing. This interview is in the context of the Townships Young Voices project.


Black Cat Books Webpage





© John Mackley & R.A. Garber 2020-2024



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